$ (document). ready (function {$ ('.owl-carousel'). owlCarousel ({// Enable thumbnails thumbs: true, // When only using images in your slide (like the demo) use this option to dynamicly create thumbnails without using the attribute data-thumb. thumbImage: false, // Enable this if you have pre-rendered thumbnails in your html instead of letting this plugin generate them.



Touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create a beautiful, responsive carousel slider. Webmaster Tool. For slider js --> .

I refer this question How to create progress bar for Owl Carousel 2? and the apply keyframe animation $('.slide-progress').css({ width: '100%', transition: 'width​  26 okt. 2017 — +0 -0; styles/BlueOpal/slider-h.gif styles/BlueOpal/slider-h.gif +0 -0 id="main-​slider" >.